Five Year Blogoversary

Posted 3 June, 2017 by Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms in Giveaways / 85 Comments

It’s a bit hard to belive, but I’ve been blogging here at (un)Conventional Bookviews for five years now. I started on Blogger on June 2nd, 2012.

Five Year Blogoversary

So, to celebrate, and to thank those of you who have continued to visit me during this very, very busy semester where I haven’t been a good blogger friend at all, I want to share a giveaway with you all. But first, let’s take a quick look at what’s been going on here for these past years.

I only stayed on blogger for a few months, then I switched to a self-host wordpress blog, as I saw all the amazing plugins other bloggers were using. I still love self-hosting, both for the plugins, and for the theme options I have at my disposal.

2012 was a fairly quiet year, taking into account that I started self-hosting in September, I still think it’s not too bad that I received 354 visitors and had 2’361 views. Also in that time-period, there were 534 comments.

2013 was much better, with 13’165 visitors and 6’111 comments πŸ™‚ Little by little my blog has grown, and I have a nice follower base now. Some bloggers I have interacted with online have become dear friends, and I have even been lucky enough to meet several of them in real life at various book conferences.

I have also started two original memes / weekly features, Safe & Sexy where I share a sexy quote including condoms, and Thirsty Thursday & Hungry Hearts where I share food or drink quotes.

In 2015, I went to Romantic Times Book Convention in Dallas, and that was such an eye-opening experience for me. Meeting other people who love reading as much as I do, hanging out with authors, and just having a great time all around. In 2016, I went to Chicago for BEA, and that was a blast as well. This year, I went back to RT, in Atlanta, and again I had a fantastic time. I really hope I’ll be able to continue to come overseas for more book-conventions in the future. Thankfully, there are more of those here in Europe now as well, and I’m going to Berlin for RARE in two weeks, as well as to Cannes for a New Romance (that’s what New Adult romances are called in French) convention that lasts a weekend.

RT15 Party-time - (un)Conventional Bookviews
My first RT, where I finally met my bloggerwife, Brandee, in person <3
Bookworm Brandee and (un)Conventional Bookviews at BEA
BEA, again with Brandee <3
Mint julep Weekend Wrap-up (un)Conventional Bookviews
Again with Brandee, this time at RT in Atlanta <3

It is such an amazing experience to meet other bloggers in real life, and I can’t wait to do so again!

Giveaway - (un)Conventional Bookviews

So, on to the main-course of today, the five year blogoversary giveaway. I’m using Rafflecopter to help me choose three different winners. One winner will be European, and she will receive the following six books, some of which are autographed by the author:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The second winner has to have a European address as well, and she will receive a signed AND personalised copy of this book:

Five Year Blogoversary giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Finally, the third winner can live anywhere in the world, and her prize will be Jana Aston’s RomCom series Wrong for kindle :

Five Year Blogoversary giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks so much for stopping by for my five year blogoversary! I hope you’ll visit again πŸ˜‰

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

About Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

Linda is an English as foreign language teacher and has a Master's degree in English Language and Literature. She's an avid reader, blogger, compulsive one-clicker and a genre omnivore. Ever since she learnt how to read she has been seen with a book or two in her hands everywhere she goes.

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85 responses to “Five Year Blogoversary

  1. Congratulations on your Five Year Blogoversary Lexxie. That’s amazing!!! πŸ˜‰
    I’m a blogger on Maureen’s Books, and I life in The Netherlands. I’ve been blogging for three years now. And what a great experience it has been. I love every minute of it.
    I hope you have many more blogoversaries in the future, and I’m glad to have met you in this blogging world πŸ˜‰

  2. Happy blog birthday, not many blogs make it to 5 years so huge congrats! I live in Ireland and have been blogging for 4 years (I had to check my blog for that!). Time flies when you’re having fun blogging πŸ™‚

  3. Happy blogoversary my friend ! WE really need to meet! Well you know where I live and I blog since 2011. It’s always so much fun! Love you and what you are doing!

    • Thank you Melliane! You’re right, we DO need to meet. Have you decided anything about Cannes in September? I’ll only be there from early Saturday morning until Sunday evening πŸ™‚ I love you and your blog too, and I’m sure we’d have fun together in real life, too!

  4. Amy

    Congratulations Lexxie! I can’t believe it’s been five years already! πŸ˜€ I’m glad everything is going well.

    To be fair I’ve just started up a lifestyle blog (free wordpress) after cancelling my book blog and the difference is shocking lol. I didn’t realise how much freedom the paid version gave you πŸ™‚ Note my near heart attack when I couldn’t install addon’s.

    This is still one of my favourite blogs so keep it up! Lets add five more years πŸ˜€

    Amy x

    • Thank you Amy! I can hardly believe it, either. I bet it’s hard to go back to free wordpress, even if there’s still a lot you can do with that. I need to check out your lifestyle blog for sure πŸ™‚ I have missed A Novel Start, but understand your need for change πŸ™‚

      • Amy

        To be fair Lexxie I had enough of authors thinking they could speak to you like rubbish if you didn’t like their book lol. At the end of the day they ask for a honest opinion/review not a fake one. Not worth my free time πŸ™‚ I’m hoping this time around will be different πŸ˜€

        • That sucks! I have never had that happen, thank goodness, and if I do accept a direct review request, I remind the author every time that my review will be honest, and that I will post it even if I don’t really enjoy their book…
          You’re right that dealing with those kinds of frustrations in your free time isn’t worth it.

          • Amy

            It was usually from 1st or 2nd time authors πŸ™‚ The ones that had a few books out already never complained lol. On that part I’m glad it’s over any way πŸ™‚ Looking forward to a peaceful journey where I can still review if and when I want on my new blog πŸ˜‰ teehee x

  5. Congratulations Lexxie! Five years is fantastic! I love seeing your pictures from all the conventions you attend-living vicariously through you and a few other bloggers that also attend. Here’s to many more years of blogging and books!

  6. Five years?? Congrats! I also started on Blogger– and while I love Blogger there are so many cool plugins/themes that I’m envious of from other blogs….

  7. I don’t know Yet. I’m finishing my Ph.D as I told you so will surely do my big prΓ©sentation in these dates. I will know more next month for the dates

  8. Congrats Lexxie!!! Woo hoo! 5 years is an awesome milestone and I’m glad you’re still doing it and loving it. Here’s to 5 more!

  9. Christy LoveOfBooks

    Yay for 5!! I love how you and Brandee have been able to meet up at those events. Blogging, bringing friends together. ? Here’s to many more years to come!

  10. I only started following about a year and a half ago so it’s neat to see you going strong with the blog for five years and a little bit about your early years of blogging and making blogging friends. πŸ™‚

    Wishing you another fantastic year of blogging and lots of good books, Lexxie!

  11. Congratulations, Lexxie, Five years and still loving it is awesome. I’ve been blogging for five years too and have no plans of stopping. Looking forward to more book shares and conversations:)

  12. Congratulations on your Five Years of Blogging! You have accomplished so much, having your own self-hosted site, and bringing in a lot of followers. Enjoy the next five years…and more.

  13. Happy five year blogoversary! I think you’re one of the first bloggers I met and I am happy you’re still blogging :). So many bloggers I met when I first started blogging have stopped by now.

    It really is amazing to look back and see how far you’ve come with your blog since you started. here’s to many more years!

  14. Happy 5 years, Lexxie! Here’s to many more wonderful years. I hope this new year will also be full of exciting blogger meet-ups for you. πŸ™‚

  15. Happy 5 year Blogoversary!!! That is awesome Lexxie. You have always been a great blogging friend to me, even with how busy you are. I started with blogger in 2009 and then went self hosted in 2010. I didn’t start book blogging until 2014, so that is why I only count 3 years. It is nice to look back and see how far blogging and our blogs have come. I wish you nothing but the very best moving forward. Cheers!

  16. Huge congratulations on your 5 year Blogoversary. I love your quirky, original theme which is so attractive, yet quick and easy to use. Have a great anniversary week and I hope you continue to enjoy book blogging for many more years to come:)).

  17. Happy Blog Birthday, Lexxie!
    Sounds like youΒ΄ ve had five amazing years with your blog, so hopefully the next five will be amazing as well. Thank for sharing this with us and all the best for the next round of blogging πŸ™‚

    Best wishes
    Vi @Inkvotary (former GoneWithTheBooks)

  18. Happy 5th Blogoversary, my friend!! πŸ˜€ It’s a fantastic achievement, well done *thumbs up*
    I’ve celebrated my 6th year with Darkest Sins in May, it never stops making a blogger/reviewer feel good <3 Cheers to many more years!!!!
    Also, thanks SO much for the gorgeous giveaways!! I'm in UK and, even after Brexit passed (boo!), we are still technically in Europe, so high five! πŸ˜‰

  19. Wow, 5 years of blogging!!! So proud of you. You’ve created an amazing blog for us readers to find great recommendations. I love your blog! I’m still a newbie and hoping to last at least one year (I don’t dare to dream bigger than that). Haha.. thank you for the giveaway! Here is to another five years of awesomeness! ?❀️??

    • Thank you Geybie πŸ™‚ I’m glad you’ve found some new books to add to your shelves thanks to me. And we were all newbies at one point. I hope you’ll continue to have fun blogging, it’s always a pleasure to see you here, or visit you on your blog!

  20. Happy Blogoversary, darling wifey!! Here’s to many more years of blogging and many more years of, um, snogging? at book conferences for us!! πŸ˜‰ *SMOOCHES & BIG HUGS*

    • Is that what the kids call it these days? :p I have kind of been eying BookExpo for next year… it actually might work, since it will happen the three very last days of teaching, and if things work the way they worked for me these past three years, I will have finished the program already. If not, I’m still looking into RWA in Denver, too πŸ˜‰ {{{BIG HUGS}}} and kisses right back at you.

  21. RO

    Wow! What an amazing accomplishment, particularly with how busy your schedule has been! I am so happy to have found your blog, which is so fun. Hugs… and to many more books in your life. RO

  22. Congrats darling on your five years. I can’t believe its been that long for you already!! Time does fly. And wow you have done so much, so you definitely deserve a great celebration for all your hard work!

  23. Hi Lexxie, I am absolutely thrilled and happy dancing. I answered your email today (hope in time) with the things you asked me for. OMG – you made my day!

    Best wishes and again congrats to your five years

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